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Spring 2024 Conference -- the Eclipse Conference

View the program at NEARA 2024 Spring Conference Program.

The conference was held at the magnificent Burke Mountain Hotel & Conference Center in East Burke Vermont.

Saturday Field Trips

Alas, due to the snowstorm that ended just before the conference, all field trips were canceled. Most of the field trips will be rescheduled for later this spring.

However, the Monday "field trip", observing the eclipse, enjoyed spectacular weather.


Saturday Evening

Sunday Morning

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday Evening

Monday Morning

Monday Afternoon

2024-04-08, East Burke VT, by Robyn Field

Photos and Videos

Don Stevens's talk, by Walter van Roggen
Kitty O'Riordan's keynote talk, by Walter van Roggen
Getting ready for the big event, by Betsy Brewster
by Walter van Roggen
by Lynn Adams
by Walter van Roggen
by Walter van Roggen
by Robyn Field
by Robyn Field
by Phil Getty
by Robyn Field
What happened to my laptop? by Robyn Field
The watcher of the watchers, by Walter van Roggen
Watching the watchers, by Matt Bruns
by Betsy Brewster
by Lynn Adams
The aftermath, by Phil Getty

If you have some good photos or videos that you want to share, please send them to us.