You can see how NEARA is organized from the point of view of a typical NEARA member at: NEARA Organization
Local chapters enable members to participate in various activities, including field trips, research and preservation initiatives. Chapter coordinators keep members informed of field trips, meetings and events of regional interest. Local field trips offer members a chance to investigate sites in our local regions. Chapter coordinators report to our twice-a-year confererences on events and research in our local regions. Indigenous stonework is found across the Americas. Chapters allow us to focus on examples found in the Northeast, while conferences frequently feature reports on related stonework styles located in distant regions.
Through local stewardship and organizational partnerships, NEARA works to foster preservation of lithic sites and their related landscapes. We partner with land trusts and federal, tribal, state, and local government entities to protect extant stone constructions. As awareness of these constructions grows, so does the consensus for preservation. NEARA members have been actively supporting the United South and Eastern Tribes' (USET) efforts to encourage recognition and nomination of sites to the National Register of Landscapes Initiative, described at Acknowledging Landscapes ("Ceremonial Stone Landscapes", page 46). We network with related organizations and individuals across a broad region to share research and advocate for preservation of these extant features disappearing from the landscape. Development, neglect and natural forces can be countered with knowledge and advocacy.
NEARA has a number of standing committees that work year-around on tasks that every organization needs to do, as well as on tasks that are specific to NEARA's mission.
The Member Communications Committee includes various committees that directly interact frequently with NEARA members.
The Membership Subcommittee knows everyone in NEARA and keeps everyone up-to-date. Read more at NEARA Membership. If you have a question about your membership, email: Teresa Bierce
The Conference Registrar helps people who will be attending the next conference. Read more about conferences at NEARA Conferences. If you have any questions, contact the Registrar at: Teresa Bierce
Our website provides an organized public repository of everything that NEARA has done recently. If you have any questions or suggestions, contact the Website Administrator at: Walter van Roggen
We maintain a presence on Facebook and hope to become active on other social media sites. If you have any questions or suggestions, contact the Social Media Administrator at: Derek Gunn
We maintain a public calendar of events that are interesting to NEARA members. See The NEARA Calendar, which also includes instructions for subscribing to it so that you can automatically see events on your own online calendar. If you have any events that you think should be on the NEARA Calendar, send an email to: Matt McLaughlin
There is now a private forum, accessible only to NEARA members, so that people can talk with each other. Read about it at The NEARA Forum.
The Library and Archives Committee preserves NEARA's documents, holds its Site Reports and donations of researchers' notes, photos, and correspondence, and manages NEARA's collection of books and videos, many of which may be borrowed by NEARA members. Read more about the committee at Library & Archives.
For questions about borrowing books and videos, contact the Librarian at: Nancy Berke
For submitting site reports and inquiries about the archives, contact the Archivist at: Walter van Roggen
The Publications Committee is responsible for publishing the NEARA Journal and the Transit newsletter. Read more at NEARA Publications.
If you have an idea about publishing an article in the Journal, email: Kitty O'Riordan
If you have a short article that you would like to share with NEARA members via the Transit, email: Teresa Bierce
We are reviving a Program Committee, whose role is to keep abreast of what's happening in the many disciplines in which NEARA has an interest, and suggest or review suggestions for Journal or Transit articles or conference or webinar presentations. If you have suggestions for interesting authors or speakers or new topics relevant to NEARA, contact the Vice President at
The Research and Special Projects Committee helps NEARA members do their own research by soliciting, recommending, and funding projects, by setting guidelines and standards, by maintaining the Site Files, and by conducting occasional special projects for NEARA. Read more at Research & Special Projects.
If you have some ideas that you would like to research, email: Phil Getty
For submitting site reports, contact the Archivist at: Walter van Roggen
The Preservation Committee is a new NEARA committee that helps to preserve lithic sites by coordinating with property owners, governmental organizations, and other interested people and organizations.
If you know of sites that deserve being saved from destruction, email:
The Finance Committee prepares the budget, and reviews spending and investments and insurance.
Finance Committee: Terry Deveau
The Resource Development Committee encourages donations to help NEARA's mission.
Resource Development Committee: Terry Deveau
The Nominating Committee proposes candidates for Officers and Directors-at-Large of NEARA.
For general questions about NEARA, email:
We are also on Facebook.
NEARA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization incorporated in New Hampshire. It was founded in 1964. Its postal address is:
NEARA 142 Main St., Room 215 Nashua NH 03060 USAIts current bylaws are available at: NEARA's bylaws
You can see how NEARA is organized from the point of view of a typical NEARA member at: NEARA Organization
Please help us fund our research projects and preservation efforts and library and archives at: Make a Donation.
Copyright © 2024 New England Antiquities Research Association. All rights reserved. Some materials are copyright their respective authors.