A Newer NEARA Organization
It has been difficult to find volunteers for many of the jobs that need to be done for NEARA to be successful.
Partly this may be due to people not understanding what a job entails, or simply that a job seems too daunting to take on.
So it would help to make the jobs as small and simple and independent as possible, and to list the jobs with a summary of each one.
In particular, the job of the First Vice President can be more explicitly partitioned into
smaller jobs that different people can handle. The ones identified for conferences are: Local Arrangements,
Registrar, Field Trips, Program, Audio/Visual, and Publicity.
More on these roles is provided below.
Permanent and Conference Program Committees
There is a new Program Advisory Committee which is meant to help multiple jobs in NEARA --
not only for conferences but for publications as well.
The purpose of the Program Advisory Committee is to help find good presenters or good authors about topics of interest to members.
It must operate year-around in order to provide recommendations for the different publishers of content.
It should also provide some institutional memory, which will help smooth relationships in the future.
The Conference Program Committee is effectively a superset of this Program Advisory Committee,
because it would include people interested in local features and/or the conference theme.
However its purpose is limited to deciding the program for a particular conference and inviting and scheduling the speakers.
There might be multiple Conference Program Committees operating at the same time for different conferences.
It would be good practice for publication editors and conference programmers to consult with the Program Advisory Committee
and the Board of Directors before inviting someone not already known to everyone to write in a publication or speak at a conference.
Similarly, it would be good practice for publication editors and conference programmers to run their near-final drafts
by the Program Advisory Committee and the Board of Directors (with a short response time limit) to increase chances of catching errors.
Member Communications Committee
It would also be desirable for NEARA members to have more frequent and different kinds of interactions with the organization.
There is more to NEARA than just the Journal, the Transit, and the conferences.
We need to move NEARA into the 21st century by fully embracing the use of the internet.
That applies to all roles, but many of the new possibilities are grouped under the new Member Communications Committee,
sometimes abbreviated as "MemComm".
Some of the media that the Member Communications Committee could oversee are:
The Membership Committee will continue operating mostly via email.
The NEARA Forum is a private moderated mailing list for discussions amongst NEARA members.
The NEARA Calendar notifies people about potential events of interest.
Its use is not limited to NEARA members and should help increase awareness of NEARA.
The NEARA YouTube Channel
lists videos that we have recorded. Some day we might include ones recorded from decades ago.
Our Facebook page can also increase our exposure.
Our web site can not only provide a public repository of what NEARA has been involved with,
but also provide news and member contributions.
Additional opportunities exist via the internet -- time will tell which ones pan out.
The MemComm committee is interested in hearing how you want to interact with NEARA.
Zoom Presentations
Other groups could also use the internet more. For example, conferences need not be in-person.
In fact, we did run a virtual conference during the pandemic in the fall of 2021.
Besides a bunch of presentations via Zoom, we also had 7 field trips scheduled the next day all around the northeast.
There were even book sales online.
The major down-side of having a virtual conference is that people cannot meet in a personal manner.
But having a lot of field trips on the same day helps alleviate that need -- people can travel to
whichever field trip they prefer.
And virtual conferences save everyone a lot of money -- they have no hotel or meeting costs.
Still, it seems most people would prefer in-person conferences.
Individual Zoom presentations could happen at any time of the year.
Whenever the Webinar Manager, in cooperation with the Program Advisory Committee and the Member Communications Committee,
decides there is a good presentation to be made, it can be done with relatively little effort.
Presentations need not be PowerPoint slide decks and talking heads -- they could include pre-edited videos.
Videos could include site tours, demonstrations, tutorials, or anything else of interest.
Each should have question-and-answer time.
Interactions between members and NEARA roles
The diagram below shows some of the interactions that can be expected, focusing on a NEARA member,
with a deemphasis of some roles played by people on the Board of Directors.
Click on a node to see a list of some of the job's roles.
NEARA Member
- Must subscribe to the objectives of NEARA and be a member in good standing
Board of Directors
- Approves President's appointments
- Approves budget and any specific transactions
- Determines policies
- Tracks all funds, executes all transactions, and keeps records of all transactions
- Records all donations/gifts/grants
- Files Form 990* with IRS
- Files annual report with NH AG Office's Charitable Trusts Unit
- Develops the budget
- Works with the Finance Committee
- Appoints the Treasurer, standing Committee Chairs, Chapter Coordinators, and Nominating Committee; all with approval of the Board
- Signs contracts, policies, actions, engagements, obligations
Program Advisory Committee
- Throughout the year stays on the lookout for good presenters and interesting topics
- Recommends presenters/topics to Conference Program Subcommittee, Webinar Manager, Journal, Transit, and Member Communications
- Reviews suggested presenters/programs/authors/topics by Conference Program Subcommittee and Journal Editor
First Vice President
- Oversees conferences
- Makes sure the conference program, local arrangements, audio/visual arrangements, field trips, and their publicity are handled
- Provides budget numbers to Treasurer and Finance
Conference Program Subcommittee
- Augments the regular Program Advisory Committee with people with local interests or conference theme interests
- Determines theme (if any) along with the First Vice President
- Chooses presentations, consults the Program Advisory Committee for any suggested improvements, and sends invitations
Conference Arrangements Subcommittee
- Chooses and negotiates hotel, conference room(s), food et al and precise dates
- Manages tables and other equipment for Book Table and presenters and other uses
Conference Field Trips Subcommittee
- Chooses and arranges field trips led by field trip leaders before and after the conference
- Typically includes the local Chapter Coordinator
Conference Audio/Visual Subcommittee
- Collects presentations
- Provides laptop and projector and screen and audio equipment as needed
- Records presentations after getting their approval
- Coordinates with Video Editor to post edited videos online after getting approval
Webinar Manager
- Manages the Zoom meetings software and makes sure each presenter has the equipment and experience to use it
- Gets an emcee to help introduce presenters and handle questions
- Records the presentations (with approval) and works with the Video Editor to publish either publicly or just for NEARA
Second Vice President
- Helps Chapter Coordinators and encourages their productivity
- Finds replacement chapter coordinators when needed
- Serves as chapter coordinator for those chapters where no Chapter Coordinator has been appointed
- Makes sure chapter coordinators communicate with their members
- Gets chapter coordinators to write articles for the Transit and make short presentations at conferences
- Records minutes of member and Board meetings
- Formulates and manages the ballot for the member meeting and announces the results
- Keeps records organized and mailing lists up-to-date on NEARA's Google Drive
- Makes sure board members sign the Conflict of Interest Form
- Renews corporate charter with NH Secretary of State's office each five years
- A list of suggested responsibilities and activities is at:
Director-at-Large Duties
- Helps NEARA with expertise and wisdom at Board meetings and on committees or in other roles
Research and Special Projects Committee
- Promotes research, solicits and recommends projects, sets guidelines and standards, and manages site reports
- Provides budget numbers to Treasurer and Finance
Site Reporting Subcommittee
- Gathers information for inclusion in SiteDB.org
- Encourages report quality
Publications Committee
- Publishes the Journal, the Transit, and printed Conference flyers/brochures
- Provides budget numbers to Treasurer and Finance
- Depends on Program Committee, Editors, Reviewers, Design/Layout, and printer/mailer
Journal Editor
- Produces a quality Journal
- Provides budget numbers to the Publications Committee
Transit Editor
- Produces a timely and interesting newsletter, the Transit
- Provides budget numbers to the Publications Committee
- Reviews articles or videos for content and for errors
Publication Design/Layout
- Designs and lays out printed publications
Library and Archives Committee
- Provides policy guidance to Librarians and Archivists and occasional help
- Provides budget numbers to Treasurer and Finance
- Handles library circulation
- Keeps library organized
- Handles accessions, and manages deaccessions for sale on Book Table
- Handles visits
- Provides budget numbers to the Library and Archives Committee
- Keeps archives organized
- Provides budget numbers to the Library and Archives Committee
Book Table Subcommittee
- Chooses and purchases books for sale to NEARA members at conferences or year-around
- Collects deaccessioned books from the Library
- Sells books at the Book Table during conferences
Member Communications Committee
- Coordinates electronic communications with members amongst subcommittees/roles
Membership Committee
- Keeps track of all members and their standing
- Finds out what members can do to help NEARA
- Helps Chapter Coordinators keep track of members in their areas
Forum Moderator
- Moderates the NEARA Forum
- Manages its member list
Social Media Manager
- Posts on Facebook and various social media sites to enhance NEARA's profile
- Summarizes and passes on any feedback to the Mem Comm or to the Board
- Seeks additional venues for presence and activity
Calendar Manager
- Posts events on the NEARA Calendar
- Seeks additional sources of events, to be sent to calendar@neara.org
Finance Committee
- Reviews Treasurer's transactions
- Reviews and manages investments
- Reviews and manages NEARA's insurance policies
- Helps formulate the annual budget
- Manages audits if needed
Resource Development Committee
- Gets people to donate or to leave bequests
- Helps get grants
- Publishes Annual Report if needed for grants
Preservation Committee
- Helps NEARA members preserve sites
Chapter Coordinator
- A list of suggested responsibilities and activities is at:
Chapter Coordinator Duties
- Keeps all NEARA members, but especially those particularly interested in their chapter, aware of what's going on,
including reports twice a year at conferences/webinars and in the Transit
- Arranges field trips throughout the areas where NEARA members live
- Encourages new membership and looks for leaders to help you with field trips and other activities
Nominating Committee
- Finds good candidates for election to the Board
- Sends the slate to the Secretary for the ballot, or to the President for appointment to be approved by the Board
Video Editor
- Edits videos to improve viewing and remove undesirable materials
Video Publisher
- Manages the editing and review of videos in conjunction with the presenters
- Publishes videos to our YouTube channel for NEARA members or the public to view
Conference Publicity Subcommittee
- Publicizes NEARA events at local historical societies, conservation groups,
and any other means of contacting people who might be interested
Field Trip Leader
- Leads a field trip at a site, speaking about its history and land use
- Registers people attending conferences
- Helps answer attendees' questions
Copyright © 2025 New England Antiquities Research Association. All rights reserved.
Some materials are copyright their respective authors.
Note that the views expressed here are the opinions of the respective authors
and are not the official opinion of NEARA.